Research Activity in the following projects:

– 2024, June 27 (virtual), Western Economic Association International (WEAI), 99th Annual ConferenceThe Review Committee for WEAI’s 99th Annual Conference has accepted the following paper for presentation on the program: The Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) 2021-2026, the Women, and their Health by Silvia Gatti

-American Economic Association – April 1st, 2024 I submitted my individual paper “The Effect on Equalizing Health and Redistributing Income of the Italian National Health Service (1978-2024)” for the January 2025 American Economic Association meeting in San Francisco, CA. July 15, 2024 “I thank you for submitting your paper […]. Unfortunately, we are unable to include this paper in the program. […] and due to time and slot constraints, my program committee and I had to make many painful cuts.”

-American Economic Association – April 1st, 2023  – I submitted my individual paper “The Effects on Adherence to Mammography Screening of the Changes in Facilities Providing the Early Breast Cancer Detection Services in the AUSL of Bologna (IT) after 2010” for the January 2024 American Economic Association meeting in San Antonio, TX. July 25, 2023 : “I thank you for submitting your paper […] Unfortunately, we are unable to include this paper in the program. […] and due to space constraints, my program committee and I had to make some painful cuts.”

-American Economic Association – April 1st, 2022  – I submitted my individual paper “Maintaining the Secondary Prevention against Breast Cancer for Women in Emilia-Romagna (IT) and External Social and Economic Shocks (2002-2016)” for the January 2023 American Economic Association meeting in New Orleans, LA. July 22, 2022 : “I am pleased to inform you that your paper […] has been selected to be part of the AEA’s poster session.”

-American Economic Association – April 1st, 2021  – I submitted my individual paper “Individual prevention and organized screening: a reflection on data of the access of early detection of breast cancer in Emilia-Romagna, and in Bologna in particular, after the reorganization of the offering” for the January 2022 American Economic Association meeting in Boston (MA). August 3, 2021 : “I am pleased to inform you that your paper […] has been selected to be part of the AEA’s poster session.”

– 2021, March 17-19, Western Economic Association International (WEAI), Virtual International Conference, The Program Committee for WEAI’s Virtual International Conference has accepted the following paper for presentation in a volunteer session: “The Early Detection of Breast Cancer for Women in Bologna (IT) after the Offer Reorganization” by SILVIA GATTI

-American Economic Association – April 15, 2020  – I submitted my individual paper “The Care within the Italian National Health Service after the Solutions Adopted after 2010 to Deal with the Problems of Waiting Lists and the Control of Spending for the Services of Early Detection of Breast Cancer in the Metropolitan Area of Bologna” for the January 2021 American Economic Association meeting in Chicago (IL). July 21, 2020 : “I thank you for submitting your paper […] Unfortunately, we are unable to include this paper in the program. […] due to time constraints, my program committee and I had to make some painful cuts.”

-American Economic Association – April 1st, 2019  – I submitted my individual paper “Universality, Equality and Equity in the Italian National Health Service: highlighting discrimination phenomena in accessing health services using institutional and administrative data” for the January 2020 American Economic Association meeting in San Diego (CA). July 12, 2019 : “I am pleased to inform you that your paper […] has been selected to be part of the AEA’s poster session.”

-American Economic Association – April 1st, 2018 – I submitted my individual paper “Universality, Equality and Equity in the Italian National Health Service: is it possible to highlight discrimination phenomena using institutional and administrative data?” for the January 2019 American Economic Association meeting in Atlanta (GA). July 18, 2018 : “I thank you for submitting your paper […] but I am afraid we are unable to include this paper in the program. […] due to space constraints, my program committee and I had to make some painful cuts.”

-PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest – Italian Ministry of University and Reasearch) 2017 (deadline March 29, 2018) – I resubmitted the Project Proposal as National Coordinator and single Research Unit : “Maitaining Equity in the Italian National Health Service” (in a changed world?). April 4, 2019: “the research project coordinated by you does not appear to be among those admitted to financing, as you have not passed the pre-selection phase (due to the achievement of a score below 15)”.

American Economic Association – April 1st, 2017 – I submitted my individual paper “Control Systems in the Italian National Health Service and the Maintaining of the Principles of Universality, Equality and Equity: Avoiding Discrimination and “Exit” Phenomena.” for the January 2018 American Economic Association meeting in Philadelphia (PA). July 21st 2017 : “It will be part of a poster session”.

American Economic Association – April 1st, 2016 – I submitted my individual paper “Maintaining Equity in the Italian National Health Service at the Time of the Measures for Reorganizing the Offerings of Outpatient Specialist Services” for the January 2017 American Economic Association meeting in Chicago (IL). July 14, 2016 : “It will be part of a poster session”.

PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest – Italian Ministry of University and Reasearch) 2015 (deadline January 15, 2016) – Project Proposal as National Coordinator and single Research Unit : “Maitaining Equity in the Italian National Health Service”. (September 21, 2016: Project not approved: Bando Prin 2015 – Comunicazione di non approvazione progetto , Valutazione Progetto GATTI_PRIN2015).

American Economic Association – March 31st, 2015 I submitted my individual paper (after trying with Econ-Harmony) “Long Life to the Women! Changes in the Supply, and in the Access Mode, for the Public Breast Cancer Early Detection Services in Bologna (Italy)” for the January 2016 American Economic Association meeting in San Francisco. July 27, 2015 : “I thank you for submitting your paper […] but I am afraid we are unable to include this paper in the program. […] due to space constraints, my program committee and I had to make some painful cuts.”

American Economic Association – April 1, 2014 I submitted my individual paper “Values for citizens and consumers’ preferences for designations of origin” for the January 2015 American Economic Association meeting in Boston. “But because of space constraints and the large number of submissions .. are unable to include it in the program”.

Princeton University – Industrial Relations Section and Department of Economics Invitation to apply for IRS Visiting Research Scholar a.y. 2014-2015: November 24, 2013 I applied online [February 12, 2014: feel free to apply again].

PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest – Italian Ministry of University and Reasearch) 2012 (deadline February 18, 2013) – Project Proposal as National Coordinator and single Research Unit : “Designations of Origin and Wellbeing of Individuals” [May 2013: “Il progetto NON ha superato la fase di preselezione”, an evaluation of 5, 5 and 8 from the three anonymous evaluators].

-Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (National Scientific Qualification) – Call for Candidates 2012: on November 16, 2012 I submitted my application for obtaining the national scientific qualification to function as a university full professor (“I fascia”) in the competition sectors 13/A1 Economics e 13/A2 Economic Policy. December 18, 2013 publication of the results for the sector 13/A2 Economic Policy : Not qualified ; February 4, 2014 publication of the results for the sector 13/A1 Economics : Not qualified.

Princeton University – Industrial Relations Section and Department of Economics Invitation to apply for IRS Visiting Research Scholar a.y. 2013-2014: October 17, 2012 I applied online [March 2013: Position filled].

European Research Council – Advanced Investigators Grant, 2011 Call – Proposal Project: “DO VALUE, The Value of Designations of Origin for Individuals”, Panel SH1: Individuals, Institutions and Markets: economics, finance and management [“The PI is a respected scholar, but …”, not financed].

Princeton University – Industrial Relations Section and Department of Economics Invitation to apply for IRS Visiting Research Scholar a.y. 2011-2012: December 12, 2010 I applied online. February 9, 2011 the answer : “We found your application to be most noteworthy; however we have very limited space for visitors, and regret that we are unable to continue your candidacy for this position. We recruit visitors each year, however, so you should feel free to contact us again.”.

PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest – Italian Ministry of University and Reasearch) 2009 (deadline May 31, 2010) – Proposal Project as National Coordinator and single Research Unit : “The Value of Designations of Origin for Foreign Consumers: a study by the choices of buyers of wine in United States, United Kingdom and Germany” [not financed, with an evaluation of 52/60 from the anonymous evaluators of the Program. They financed from 54/60].

PRIN project “Politiche dell’Unione Europea, processi di integrazione economica e commerciale ed esiti del negoziato WTO” : participant in the Research Unit of the University Roma III. The project has the coordination of University della Calabria. 2008- 2009.

Planning Service of the Regione Emilia-Romagna – Agricultural Council – Responsible of the analysis: The Value of the Protected Designation of Origin for the territory, 2006 – 2009.

RFO (Ricerca Fondamentale Orientata UNIBO) (ex 60%) – Responsible for the project: Protected Designation of Origin and Sustainable Development … and Wellbeing of Individuals, 2004 to the present.

PRIN project “The new multilateral trade negotiations within the World Trade Organisation (Doha Round): liberalisation prospects and the impact on the Italian economy”: participant in the Research Unit of the University Roma III. The project had the national coordination of University “La Sapienza” Roma, Professor Paolo Guerrieri, 2005- 2006.

Planning Service of the Regione Emilia-Romagna – Agricultural Council , Responsible of the study “Protected Designations of Origin and sustainable development: an analysis of the DOC of Emilia-Romagna”,2004- 2005.

MURST 60% – Responsible for the project: The Wine Territories as Amenities: the Role of the Protected Designations of Origin in their Management, 2002 2003.

Head of the Italian and Spanish Integrated Action with the Instituto de Economia y Geografia of the Consejo Superior de Investigacion Cientifica in Madrid Development Prospects of the Mediterranean Quality Agro-food Products, 2001-2004.

Responsible for the research contract between Associazione Nazionale Città del Vino and Dipartimento Scienze Statistiche for the Osservatorio sul Turismo del Vino (National Body on Wine Tourism), 2000 – 2004.

MURST 60% – Responsible for the project: Valorisation Tools of the Rural Environment: The Wine Routes, 2000 – 2001.

MURST 60% – Head of the project: Behavior models of the agro-food markets, 1998/99

Municipality of Modena (Emilia Romagna), operational co-ordinator of the Local Agro-Industrial Body, 1998 – 2002

Regione Emilia Romagna, ANCV, Scientific co-ordinator of the project: New instruments of valorisation for wine production and rural areas: a feasibility study of wine routes in Emilia -Romagna region, 1997 – 98

MURST 60%: Convergence models in European food consumption, 1996 – 97

MURST 60%: Analysis of regional inequalities in the EEC agriculture, 1994 – 95

EU/AIR(AIR20833): Production systems and meat consumption in France, Italy and Spain: a comparative analysis with special references to problems of quality and environment, headed by Prof. Roberto Fanfani of the Department of Statistics, University of Bologna, 1994 – 1996.

CNR/RAISA sottoprogetto 1.2: Competitiveness and development of the agricultural territorial systems, 1990-1995.

CEE/SPES (SPES0027): Changement technique et restructuration dans l’industrie agroalimentaire en Europe, coordinated by Prof. Roberto Fanfani of the Department of Statistics, University of Bologna, 1991 – 1992.

MURST 40%: New competitive strategies and structure of the agro- food markets, 1989 – 1994

CNR – Contributi: Restructuring processes in the agricultural cooperatives,1992.